Executive Coaching
As Professional Certified Coach from the prestigious International Coaching Federation (ICF) and with more than 20 years of business experience in international leadership positions, I support my clients with a solution-focused approach.
My Mission
My mission as a Professional Certified Coach is simple: I want to help you to be the best at what you do. Full stop.
​Together we will rethink and redefine your ambitions, cultural rituals and daily routines in order to make YOU successful.
Quality matters
As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Team Coach of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), I am committed to the highest quality and ethical standards worldwide. I incorporate the internationally leading and scientifically proven Hogan Assessments as personality diagnostic tools into my coachings.
My Coaching Style
I invite you to embrace my solution-oriented coaching style in combination with the latest scientifically proven approaches to Neuroscience, Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, Performance Science and Positive Psychology.
My Coaching Focus
Personal Excellence & Development, Communication & Appearance, Sales & Relationship-Management, Networking, New Leadership, Mental Fitness & Positive Intelligence, How to deal with stress and pressure, and Female Empowerment.
Quality, experience, and meeting the highest ethical standards have led to my selection as one of the Top 10 Coaches in 2023 by The Forbetter Institute.
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